Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lab 9 : Backtrack 2

:: What is Backtracking ?

- Backtracking is a general algorithm for finding all or some solutions to some computational problem.
- Currently Backtrack 4 has released.
- Backtrack 3 interface

Backtrack as far as i know is to crack WEP wireless key.

Command line for backtrack.

a) iwconfig [name of device] - configure wireless device
b) ifconfig [name of device] up - start service
c) kismet- scan the area
d) air0dump -ng --ivs - to capture packet
e) air0dump -ng --ivs -w [folder name] --channel 1 [name of device] - to scan all channel and dump into folder
f)airplay -ng --interactive -b [MAC address connected to SSID] -h [client to ID destination] -x 512 [name of device] - fasten up capture packets